Under supervision from a Licensed Dormouse Handler and as assistants on their license we started a year of training to get the experience needed to obtain Dormouse Handling Licenses from CCW so that in future years we can survey and maintain the habitat for them ourselves.
Dormouse nest box with nest in situ and nest showing the structure and entrance
This Dormouse found in a Nest Box shows the large black eyes and distinctive tail
Taken from the tree the Box was placed into a large transparent plastic bag so that the Dormouse could be handled and data recorded. It was put in a cloth bag prior to its weight being taken.
It was sexed, found to be a male, and weighed using a spring balance. He was 19.5gms.
Bird nests in boxes
In some of the boxes Blue Tits and Great Tits were found sitting on eggs.
Blue Tit nest with clutch of eight eggs which are unusually laid on the bare wood at the bottom of the box.